The Archbishop’s 2021 Secondary Schools Forum brought together 28 Catholic school representatives who had the privilege of dialoguing with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. By Amanda Murthy.
The national Catholic education community marked 200 years of Catholic education in Australia and 50 years of Catholic Education in Western Australia with the launch of an artwork commissioned by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia in 2021. By Contributor.
This ninth instalment in the “Saw” franchise of horror films, is based on the victims’ past wrongdoing or lack of appreciation of the lives they have led, the purported agenda of the new killer is to achieve reform of the police force by slaughtering rogue cops. The result is yet another perverse celebration of sadism. A vengeance theme, pervasive gory violence, including hideous torture, frequent profanities, much rough language. By Kurt Jensen/CNS.
Baldivis has gained a new church, with the Dedication of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Church on Sunday, 16 May. Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB together with Archdiocesan priests were present along with hundreds who witnessed the momentous occasion.
Finley, a talented aspiring violinist, meets Beckett, a famous young movie star, on the way to her college semester abroad program in a small coastal village in Ireland. An unexpected romance emerges as the heartthrob Beckett leads the uptight Finley on an adventurous reawakening, and she emboldens him to take charge of his future, until the pressures of his stardom get in the way. By Sister Hosea Rupprecht.
Plenary Council President Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will be in Parramatta and Melbourne to deliver lectures, as the nation approaches the First Assembly of the Plenary Council in October 2021.
In less than two months, Catholic Social Services WA will hold their first of two national symposiums themed “Walking with His people” to raise awareness around supporting and assisting disadvantaged people in WA. By Amanda Murthy.
The month of May is Domestic Violence Prevention Month, and UNDA’s Chaplaincyteam along with their Respect Officers have organised a Remembrance Mass to tribute those who have lost their lives and all those who continue to be impacted by family and domestic violence. By Amanda Murthy.
Leaders from organisations providing emergency relief funding, support to renters in the private rental market, and peak bodies have established a Housing Emergency Response group to identify and drive immediate solutions that will mitigate the impact and harm of the housing crisis. By Contributor.
Perth born author, Renato Bonasera reflects on his personal experiences and those of others whose stories have been the catalyst for deeper insight into life, suffering, death and the supernatural in his latest offering, ‘Into the Cloud of Knowing.’ By Amanda Murthy.