Our first member profile is of course, our own Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Educated at St Peter’s Parish Primary School, East Bentleigh and at Salesian College, Chadstone, from where he graduated in 1971.
In 1985, Archbishop Costelloe made his Final Profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco and was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Sir Frank Little on 25 October 1986.
The effects of COVID-19 have caused an unconventional start of Lent as worshippers this year received ashes by having them sprinkled on the top of their head. In his Lenten Pastoral Letter for 2021, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB spoke about how this six-week period is an opportunity for the faithful to acknowledge sinfulness as a serious matter that can have destructive effects on others and on ourselves.
In the age of instant communications and fake news, journalists – like everyone else – need to recover the practice of going out and verifying information before they share it, Pope Francis said. By Cindy Wooden.