Plenary Member Fr Vincent Glynn is the Archdiocese of Perth’s Vicar for Education and Adult Faith Formation
The eldest of the six children, a young Vincent attended early primary school firstly at Our Lady of Lourdes Nollamara and then as a foundation student at the new parish of St Gerard Majella, Mirrabooka. He was ordained a priest in December 1982 by Archbishop Goody in St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President and Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has recently taken the time to discuss the upcoming 2021 Plenary Council with ACBC Media & Communications Director Gavin Abraham.
The working document for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia has today been released ahead of the first assembly in October.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Plenary Council, said the document, known as an Instrumentum Laboris, provides a catalyst for the Church to renew the journey of prayer and discernment toward the first assembly.
Our first member profile is of course, our own Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Educated at St Peter’s Parish Primary School, East Bentleigh and at Salesian College, Chadstone, from where he graduated in 1971.
In 1985, Archbishop Costelloe made his Final Profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco and was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Sir Frank Little on 25 October 1986.
This is the final article by Peter Wilkinson in the series looking at the various particular councils (provincial and plenary) convened by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Australia between 1844 and 1937. It examines the First Provincial Council of Melbourne held in Melbourne from 17-24 November 1907.
Plenary Council President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week announced an additional 15 new delegates nationwide, who have been called to join the existing 267 delegates ahead of the first assembly of the Plenary Council (PC) to be held in October 2021.
Discovering a Christ-centred Church that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal was at the heart of conversation and reflection on Thursday 19 November at Newman Siena Centre.