As Religious leaders attended from all over the country, a spirit of joy prevailed, along with an eagerness to ‘fill the tank’ with the fuel of shared wisdom for what it means to guide their communities in life and ministry.
Catholics around Australia have been asked to pray that the continuing journey of the faithful together in the synod be a time of grace and that active listening, dialogue and discernment strengthen the dynamic relationships between the People of God and the Risen Lord.
Leading up to a historical first Assembly of a Synod for the Diocese of Geraldton, listening sessions have been held which has given rise to a working document that will form the basis of the Assembly.
The Instrumentum laboris is not a magisterial document or a catechism, but a way to encourage prayer, dialogue, discernment and the “maturing of a consensus”, according to an explanatory paper.
Twenty-five dioceses and three Eastern Catholic Church eparchies submitted summaries of their consultation outcomes, while a further 13 organisations submitted summaries from the national consultation – culminating in the final report.
Each bishops conference was asked by the Vatican to provide parish priests with “significant experience in the perspective of a synodal Church”, while also ensuring the attendees are from “a variety of pastoral contexts”.
That Pope Francis did not wait until the end of the Second Assembly to convoke the study groups, “shows that he has a heart that listens; he listened and is acting,” Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary-General of the Synod, told reporters on 14 March.
In a brief papal document released on 17 February, the Holy Father said that “these study groups are to be established by mutual agreement between the competent dicasteries of the Roman Curia and the General Secretariat of the Synod, which is entrusted with coordination.”
The appointment is in conjunction with Archbishop Costelloe’s concurrent appointments as a Member of the Preparatory Commission, and as one of the nine President Delegates to the Synod.