20 years ago, Saint John Paul II wrote a letter to the whole Church in which he set out his vision for the Church in the new millennium, which was just beginning. The letter was given the name: Novo Millennio Ineunte.
Gathering in the name of Jesus, more than 350 worshippers congregated for Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 4 October to witness the commissioning of 12 local delegates who have the privilege of representing the Archdiocese of Perth in the upcoming Plenary Council as representatives of religious congregations and other Church bodies.
The hotel’s design is based on the typical Roman Villa, with the multi-storey building encircling a cool, spacious courtyard, complete with traditional fountain; which is a popular setting for smaller special events.
Parish Pastoral Councils who wish to explore the Archdiocesan pastoral innovation of Parish Hubs have been gearing up to participate in the Archdiocesan Plan’s May gatherings set to take place on 18 and 25 May.
The importance of effective communication in the Archdiocese of Perth, and the Church as a community, has never been more important than it is now, says Manager of Communications, Jamie O’Brien.