Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB agreed that Australia had something of a “head start”, with the Plenary Council having invited the People of God to consider significant questions around the Synod’s themes of communion, participation and mission.
“All over Western Australia, across many industries, there is a growing demand and opportunity for trained people to attend to the Spiritual Care needs of patients, clients, youth, students, employees, families and members of the public through offering compassion and support in a real and meaningful way,” Bishop Sproxton said.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB last week joined Catholic Religious Australia President, Br Peter Carroll FMS and Chair of the Association of Ministerial PJPs Eva Skira AM in Brisbane to discuss how dioceses, religious institutes and ministerial public juridic persons can collaborate to advance the mission of the Church in Australia.
The topic of faith and community were front and centre for some 40 young adults at a recent weekend retreat for Catholic Youth Ministry staff, volunteers and individuals from campus ministries, lay movements and ecclesial groups.
The National Catholic Education Commission will next week co-host it’s first Conference in six years in Melbourne, welcoming more than 1,300 delegates including educators, clergy and religious, students, parents and academics.
In order to re-register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, former nurses and overseas trained nurses are required to complete a three-month intensive re-entry to practice course that is designed to bring their skills back up to speed.
Three local identities are set to headline the second Australian Catholic History Symposium on Wednesday 21 September, which includes three 20 minute presentation on the theme of ‘Professional Histories and Faith’.
There are many routes to Santiago which pilgrims can undertake, starting in Portugal, France or Spain and even further away for the more adventurous.
Whitford parishioner Shirley-Ann Poulton is calling out for interested Perth Catholics to come together to attend a pilgrimage to Camino de Santiago and has this week shared her experience with The Record.
“One part of my ministry that I have enjoyed so much, has been the preparation of couples for marriage,” said Perth Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton, during last weekend’s Annual Marriage Day Mass.