Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary have this year worked with visual artist Carolyn White and her team to create a mosaic mural that represents many different aspects of the school’s location and faith heritage. The main feature of the mosaic is an illustration of the school’s patron, former Perth Bishop Matthew Gibney.
Speaking via videolink for the 2023 LifeLink Day for Primary Schools, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has last week told some 450 teachers, students and principals from Perth Primary Schools that Jesus is united with those people who for one reason or another who are not able to care for themselves.
The physics equipment was given to the Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (STAWA) so it could be recycled and given a new life with primary school students.
In ordaining 30-year-old Felipe Fernandez from Redemptoris Mater Seminary to the priesthood, Friday 2 June, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton said that the priesthood asks of those who are called to go on a pilgrimage with God.
The University of Notre Dame Deputy Head of the School of Education, Dr Anne Coffey, said the need to support student wellbeing was a key finding of a recent Productivity Commission review of the nation’s education sector.
The Archdiocese this week pays tribute to former Abortion Trauma Australia Director Julie Cook who passed away 28 September 2021.
ATA Operations Manager Mary Boston shares her Obituary, highlighting that Julie’s holistic achievements over the years increasingly attracted the support of health and community service professionals creating unprecedented opportunities to promote understanding of abortion trauma.
Upon being ordained at the age of 64, Fr Hogan’s first role was at Whitford Parish, Our Lady of the Mission Church, where he assisted then-Parish Priest, Fr Geoff Aldous. Last month he celebrated his 90th Birthday.
The Catholic Library of Western Australia was originally established as the WACE (Western Australian Catholic Educators) Resource Centre in Nedlands in 1973.
Archbishop Costelloe’s Easter Season Pastoral Letter
Speaking at the National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton retold how when he was in primary school at Bayswater and Bedford, schools depended on the parents, firstly, to build the school by self-help and then, continue to develop the amenities needed for a more complete education of their children.