The Archdiocese’s Centre for Life Marriage & Family (CLMF) has recently introduced its latest resource – an Advent reflection journal – which aims to aid in spiritual enrichment among the faithful as Christmas draws near.
Identitywa’s 2021 Annual Review Night was an opportunity for staff and affiliates to connect, receive progress updates and award staff for their contribution and service to the community.
Catholic Youth Ministry Perth recently embarked on a mini camino with 17 participants on Saturday 23 October. The journey began with a Mass at Our Lady of the Revelation Shrine in Bullsbrook and ended at the newly completed Divine Mercy Church in Chittering – a gruelling 15km track up and down the rolling hills.
We need disciples who are faithful and faith-filled, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, at the liturgical launch of the 2021 LifeLink Christmas Appeal for Parish Priests and Parish Appeal representatives.
The Cultural Diversity Mass was celebrated on Sunday, 24 October at St Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass organised by WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office, pays recognition to the multi-cultural backgrounds of Perth Catholics, and encourages the faithful to always be open to learning and welcoming the various cultures, in the one faith we all share.
Featuring the voices of eight authors from the upcoming book The Knights of the Southern Cross in Western Australia: A History 1922 – 2022 (to be released in 2023), the symposium was the first among many events celebrating the centenary of the founding of the KSC WA.
The Centre for Faith Enrichment (CFE) this week renewed its call for applications for scholarships from the BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation for the year 2022.
A new resource developed by the Office of Christian Initiation will be launched next month with the aim of engaging young people in conversation and reflection about the Christian faith.
The Archdiocese of Perth’s Safeguarding Breakfast on 9 September, themed ‘Every Child in Every Community Needs A Fair Go,’ was an opportunity for the community to gather and reflect on how far the Church in Perth has come in their efforts to protect children and vulnerable adults within the Catholic setting. By Amanda Murthy.
What does formation mean? What is it and how do we get it?
Is it merely through catechesis? Is it by committing the principles of the faith to memory by rote?
According to Centre of Faith Enrichment lecturer Natalie Thomas, formation is about much more. It is about learning to understand the God in whom we trust and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Nathan Hondros reports for The Record ahead of the First Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia.