“All over Western Australia, across many industries, there is a growing demand and opportunity for trained people to attend to the Spiritual Care needs of patients, clients, youth, students, employees, families and members of the public through offering compassion and support in a real and meaningful way,” Bishop Sproxton said.
Ordained 4 September 1984 by then Archbishop William Foley, Fr Francis Ly Van Ca will be remembered for his dedication to the Vietnamese Community, in addition to his numerous roles across the Archdiocese of Perth. He passed away 26 July 2022.
Prefect for the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, Paolo Ruffini has this week said the paradox of today is that “we are hyperconnected and also alone”. The problem arises, he highlighted, “when there is no longer communication, but only connection.”
Redemptoris Mater seminarian Felipe Fernandez will tonight be ordained to the Order of Deacon by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Hailing originally from Colombia, Felipe recalls in a special interview for The Record that it was during his rebellious teenage years that he experienced a moment of enlightenment, asking God to intervene.
Following the invitation for expressions of interest from Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB for men who are who are willing to discern whether the Permanent Diaconate may be God’s will for them, wife of Perth Permanent Deacon Mark Powell shares her experience.
With more than 28,000 merchant ships visit Australian ports each year, crewed by some 300,000 seafarers, an appeal being launched this Sunday across parishes aims to raise awareness of the needs of seafarers – Perth Deacon and former Director of the Stella Maris Seafarers Centre has shared his experience with Journey Radio Editor Max Norden.
Like many workplaces across the Archdiocese, the lockdowns caused by COVID-19 meant the Safeguarding Program team needed to be able to work safely offsite, while also accessing data to continue the important implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.
Sudanese refugee James Lako has recently shared his experiences with Nollamara parishioners, while highlighting the success his new life in Australia has brought him, marking the end of 2022 Refugee Week.
Catholic Mission’s Socktober campaign which uses the world game of soccer to encourage students in Catholic schools across Australia to kick goals for good, launched Thursday, with 133 schools from across Australia.
Newly arrived displaced persons from Ukraine have earlier this month been welcomed at St Mary’s Cathedral at a morning tea and information session to provide support during their transition into their new life in Australia.