Speaking in a Pastoral Letter released Tuesday 11 April, Archbishop Costelloe explained that the Assembly will consider the re-establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council.
Facilitated by visiting scholar Fr Eamonn Conway, the talk series Synodality and The Future of The Catholic Church: A Journey Towards Communion, Participation and Mission was held at the Centre for Faith Enrichment on Thursdays 2 March and 9 March attracted more than 40 participants who were able to ask questions throughout the sessions.
During the five weeks of Lent, four short video messages (in addition to the Introduction from Archbishop Costelloe) speaking about What is Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, were shown in our parish communities. The videos feature Fr Vincent Glynn, Sr Kerry Willison RSM and Mildred Rego.
Every day, more than 200 million children miss out on school, around 690 million people experience extreme hunger and 2.2 billion people cannot access clean drinking water.
Released to the Catholic community this week, Why Do We Gather? presented by Sr Kerry Willison RSM as the fourth and final video of the Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, focuses on the words in the Eucharistic prayer ‘Do this in memory of me’. (Luke: 22:19).
The death of a baby, highlighted Pregnancy Assistance Counsellor Lisette Jas, at any stage of pregnancy can be a very sad, distressing, and overwhelming time.
Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has last weekend Saturday 18 March celebrated the Day of the Unborn Child Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Speaking in the third video for the Liturgical Renewal and Formation program, Mildred Rego explained that over the years, meaningful signs and symbols have come to occupy a key place in the Church that remind us of the history, teachings, and traditions passed down to us as followers of Jesus,
“Each time we celebrate a liturgical ritual of the church, it is an opportunity for us to open ourselves to the words and actions of each part of the ritual and allow ourselves to be transformed by the presence of Jesus Christ,” Centre for Liturgy Director, Sr Kerry Willison has said.
In the liturgical celebration of the sacraments, important stages of life are made holy, said Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn.
Speaking in the first of four videos for the recently launched Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, Fr Vincent continued by saying that baptism sanctifies our human life, marriage sanctifies our love for another, the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick allows us to experience God entering into our suffering and the Eucharist feeds us and nourishes us for this life and eternal life. By Jamie O’Brien.
The BJ Hickey Scholarship is back in full swing doing what it does best – equipping students to travel interstate and around the world in their pursuit of the study of Word of God.
This year, scholarship recipients were invited to St Mary’s Cathedral grounds on 17 February, to receive their certificates, listen to past experiences of students who had travelled to study Scripture and network with each other.