A Catholic community is one that looks beyond its own needs and wants, said Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton at the Indonesian Catholic Community of Perth (ICCP) 28th anniversary Mass on Sunday 15 November.
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) held its “Faith in the Future” virtual symposium on 30 October, with more than 1100 registered educators and staff from Catholic education in Australia tuning in.
Plenary Council is a “mission of love”, said Mercy Sister Kerry Willison RSM, Director of the Archdiocesan Centre for Liturgy as a keynote speaker during one of the six Plenary Council seminars held on 5 November at Newman Siena Centre.
Saint Patrick’s Basilica in Fremantle and the Redemptorist Monastery in North Perth have last month served as venues for two Fremantle Chamber Orchestra concerts, held for the first time since the easing of coronavirus-led restrictions.
The role of Parish Priests in supporting Perth Catholics in becoming Saints, with all their gifts and limitations, was the key message delivered by the Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the installation Mass of the new Parish Priest for Canning Vale Parish, Father Jean-Noël Antoine Marie.
When Reg Carnamah, Badimia Yamatji Man of the Murchison Region, took the challenge to use his skills and personal story and struggles to paint the Stations of the Cross during coronavirus-led restrictions period, the results were not only fourteen paintings, but also acceptance of his past.
The intertwined relationship of mental health and poverty was the spotlight at the Anti-Poverty Week (APW) Ecumenical Service, held at Highgate Parish on 14 October.
Ten years after her canonisation, the courage of Saint Mary MacKillop – Australia’s first and only saint – still resonates within the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a religious order founded by the St MacKillop with the assistance of Fr Julian Tenison-Woods in 1866 in Penola, SA.
Almost 30 years have passed but the memory and gruesome details of the 1992-95 Bosnian Civil War still clearly linger in the mind of Samira Husic, MercyCare’s new Multicultural Services Manager.
The Maida Vale Parish community celebrated the patronal feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4 October in a dedicated Sunday morning Mass.