St Jerome’s Primary School in Munster celebrated its 80th Anniversary on Sunday, 9 August, with a fun-filled program of entertainment, games and art enjoyed by students and staff, past and present.
More than 150 people braved the weekend’s bad weather on Sunday evening, 9 August to be treated to a heartwarming musical performance at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.
Messages of prayers, thanks and fond memories have poured in throughout social media following the death of Fr Julian Luis Matias Carrasco earlier this month – a priest who has been described by many as “a rock” and “a man with a heart of gold”.
More than 100 people gathered last weekend at St Mary’s Cathedral for a Mass in support of Pregnancy Assistance, the Perth-based independent Catholic organisation which provides support to women in need of care throughout their pregnancy.
With the release of its most recent entertaining animation Minions, Illumination’s prequel to the Despicable Me franchise is bound to satisfy audiences’ love for the yellow, pill-shaped creatures.
More than 80 people gathered at Han’s Café in Joondalup at the end of last month for the launch of a scholarship fund which is aimed at sustaining the development and growth of St Vincent College of Education in Yendi, Ghana.
The recent feast of Our Lady of Fatima, celebrated worldwide on 13 May, did not go unobserved within the Archdiocese of Perth.
Making a difference to the lives of those people one comes into contact with on a daily basis is the inspiration for student Tanisha Tigulu to continue her Nursing studies at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s Broome Campus.
Catholic Social Services Australia released a statement this week about the 2015 Federal Budget, saying that, despite its commitment to listen to the community, the government has taken the approach of making itself as small a target as possible by deferring its critical 2015 budget measures until after the next federal election.
A homily at Mass is not a mini catechism class, the Vatican says in a new document on homilies, but it is an opportunity to explain Church teaching using the Scripture readings and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.