St John of God Health Care Group Chief Executive Officer Bryan Pyne said he was proud to launch the plan during National Reconciliation Week, with a number of activities underway across the organisation’s hospitals and services to recognise the week.
St John of God Health Care Chief People Officer Carla Bonev said this decision would go towards the organisation’s target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and a key step in meeting a minimum 50 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030.
The 2021 completion of a $5 million upgrade underscores the dedication of the St John of God Murdoch Hospice to providing exceptional facilities and high standards of care.
Enter St John of God Raphael Services Healthy Men, Healthy Minds photo competition and help raise awareness of men’s perinatal mental health.
New St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital CEO Vanessa Unwin is currently Director of Nursing and Midwifery SJOG Mt Lawley, a position she has held since 2016.
Paul Dyer has been appointed as the new CEO at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals from 9 May 2022.
Mr Dyer, who has been with St John of God Health Care for more than 20 years, commenced his career at St John of God Bendigo Hospital as a registered nurse before moving into a range of leadership roles in the organisation.
St John of God Murdoch Hospital has won the 2021 HESTA Compassion in Action Social Justice Award. The award, run by Catholic Health Australia and sponsored by HESTA, recognises an individual or team who has shown creativity, commitment, and accomplishment in effecting positive social change.
The congregation of the Sisters of St John of God were honoured by the Western Australian Bishops, stakeholders, and peers who gathered on 14 October to celebrate the past 150 years of the Congregations presence which began in Wexford, Ireland on 7 October 1871.
A new adult mental health centre will be opened by St John of God Social Outreach, part of St John of God Health Care, in Midland named Head to Health adult mental health centre.
Expected to open early 2022, the centre will offer free advice, support and, if needed, assessment and treatment for people with stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.