A few words with our readers on Monday July 6,1874. The West Australian Catholic Record is, as its name indicates, intended for the scattered Catholics of West Australia. Its object is to supply, them with information on subjects affecting their religion and of current interest.
The publication of this year’s Christmas Number marks the most ambitious production of “The Record” office in the 63 years of its history. From an insignificant beginning – the veriest mustard seed – there has grown the promise of a really powerful organ of official Catholic opinion.
The spacious new Convent of St. Brigid, Leederville, was the scene of a touching ceremony on July 2, the Feast of the Visitation, when His Grace the Archbishop, Most Rev. Dr. Clune, and His Grace the Coadjutor, Most Rev. Dr. Prendiville, were present at the reception of sixteen Postulants into the Order.
The Perth Catholic community is being invited to dedicate the weekend of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July to prayer for the upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly.
The procession is now in its seventh year – with skies clearing at the end of morning Mass providing a 45minute window free from rain.
The award sets a benchmark for other church communities, showcasing how a dedicated team can create a safe environment.
The world around us is rapidly changing, particularly in the field of communication. If undertaken effectively, it ultimately never stops. For us as a Catholic Church – the Archdiocese of Perth – it is at the core of what we do – the announcement of the Gospel!
In his homily for the 25th anniversary of Mary Mackillop Church and 35th anniversary of Ballajura Parish, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe spoke about our understanding of sacraments.
The Perth Catholic community is being invited to dedicate the weekend of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July to prayer for the upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly.