Perth’s The Record Magazine makes history as recipients of 2024 Bishop Kennedy Award The judges’ comments were glowing for the already award-winning magazine, noting each edition of The Record Magazine is expertly designed and features high-quality content. The Record Magazine, together with its counterpart The eRecord, also has a significant readership nationally and internationally, particularly to the parishes and schools of fellow WA dioceses Broome, Bunbury and Geraldton. More than 50 Catholic media and communications professionals gathered for the annual awards night, recognising excellence in Catholic media across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. In 2024-25, the ACPA also has a new Executive, with Archdiocese of Perth Manager, Communications and Editor of The Record, Jamie O’Brien taking on the role as President.
The evening was further enriched by guest speaker Shirley Eldridge, who captivated the audience with insights from her newly launched book, Woman For Sale, shedding light on the realities of trafficking and exploitation.
Catholic Earthcare Coordinator, Alice Carwardine, for Caritas Australia, said as Catholics we are called by God, and the writings of Pope Francis, to show greater care for our common home.
It was during his time in Kalgoorlie that former Claremont Parish Priest Fr Wayne Davis received his calling to the priesthood, a moment that was no surprise to those who knew him well.
The project includes a $7.5 million contribution from the Cook Government to fund 28 new social homes on the site, providing long term housing for people exiting homelessness in the form of self-contained apartments.
As newly appointed Director of Vocations, Fr Joseph Laundy, and Redemptoris Mater Seminary Vice-Rector, Fr Josue Quej Moran step into their new roles, both leaders are committed to nurturing and supporting those called to serve.
Not only does this move reflect best practices in record-keeping, but it also demonstrates the Archdiocese’s commitment to embracing the recommendations of the Royal Commission.
Born in Kolkata, India, to Eva and Gerald Henry, (Fr) Lionel was one of five children, with three sisters and a brother. His early years were marked by spirited adventures, such as skipping classes at St John Berchmans School to play marbles.
The aim of the new guidelines for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is to provide a framework from which each parish can develop an RCIA process suited to its particular pastoral needs.
Leading up to a historical first Assembly of a Synod for the Diocese of Geraldton, listening sessions have been held which has given rise to a working document that will form the basis of the Assembly.