Project Compassion this year prompts the Catholic community to ‘Be More.’ With five Masses held over last weekend, 13 and 14 February, the annual initiative led by Caritas Australia, seeks to stand in solidarity with people around the world who continue to face the injustice of poverty. By Amanda Murthy.
The effects of COVID-19 have caused an unconventional start of Lent as worshippers this year received ashes by having them sprinkled on the top of their head. In his Lenten Pastoral Letter for 2021, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB spoke about how this six-week period is an opportunity for the faithful to acknowledge sinfulness as a serious matter that can have destructive effects on others and on ourselves.
Perth’s Centre for Life Marriage and Family Derek Boylen has this week recounted his experience of the Perth bushfires which came as close as 200 metres from the family home. By Theresia Titus.
“Don’t walk away sad from the chance to make your life a wonderful gift to others,, don’t walk away sad from the chance to live your life to the full just as God intended you to when He called you into existence and don’t walk away from Jesus because He is our Way, He is our Truth, He is our Life,” Archbishop Costelloe had told the 5000 people gathered at the Trinity College oval exactly a year ago.
20 years ago, Saint John Paul II wrote a letter to the whole Church in which he set out his vision for the Church in the new millennium, which was just beginning. The letter was given the name: Novo Millennio Ineunte.
It is a word used to describe many forms of associations and groupings in our society today. Is it possible that the concept of community will be altered as a result and its rich meaning diluted?
At a time when all of humanity have been called to unite in a common cause, our Catholic school communities have witnessed the tremendous resilience and creativity of the human spirit and the significance of purposeful mission and service.