Bateman parishioners have recently participated in a three-part workshop looking at mental health and wellbeing as part of the Parish Pastoral Council’s outreach to those in need.
As part of Archbishop Costelloe’s 2023 LifeLink Day for Primary Schools initiative, students were invited to create a collage that visually expressed their learning and educational experience resulting from LifeLink Day.
Established in 1923 by then Perth Bishop Matthew Gibney, the parish of Palmyra has last month celebrated its 100th anniversary, with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB encouraging parishioners to pray in remembrance and guidance for all those in the parish during the past 100 years who have strived to be faithful with mercy and compassion. By Jamie O’Brien.
Commencing with the 9am Mass, Sunday 16 July, the celebrations continued with a celebratory cutting of the cake by long-time parishioners, including 84-year-old Marian Randall, 84, Portio Curton, 83 and Rose Pearce, 83.
Jesus challenges our normal way of thinking, Archbishop Costelloe tells Archdiocesan staff
With recent and prominent cyber-attacks, data breaches are becoming an increasing threat to all organisations and their people, and the impact of data breaches can be far reaching on an organisational and individual level.
Aquinas College Schola Cantorum (School Choir), directed by Hugh Lyndon performed at the 9.30am Mass on 18 June, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to officially launch the new organ.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary have this year worked with visual artist Carolyn White and her team to create a mosaic mural that represents many different aspects of the school’s location and faith heritage. The main feature of the mosaic is an illustration of the school’s patron, former Perth Bishop Matthew Gibney.
The Archdiocese this week pays tribute to former Abortion Trauma Australia Director Julie Cook who passed away 28 September 2021.
ATA Operations Manager Mary Boston shares her Obituary, highlighting that Julie’s holistic achievements over the years increasingly attracted the support of health and community service professionals creating unprecedented opportunities to promote understanding of abortion trauma.
Sunday 30 April marked Good Shepherd Sunday, where 13 men made enquiries at St Charles Seminary as part of the annual Vocations Open Day.