If every baby brings joy, the Holy Father said, how much more should people marvel at the fact that in Christ, God himself became human “to draw close to us and save us.”
Catholic Earthcare Coordinator, Alice Carwardine, for Caritas Australia, said as Catholics we are called by God, and the writings of Pope Francis, to show greater care for our common home.
This year, among the diverse groups and individuals participating, a team from Catholic Youth Ministry in conjunction with Caritas Australia saw 16 enthusiastic entrants who ran and walked their way to the finish line.
The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus, seen through the eyes of those who knew him.
Christian hope “is not an obstinacy we want to convince ourselves of, but it is a gift that comes directly from God,” Pope Francis has said.
It is a belief in the future “because Christ died and rose again and gave us his spirit.”
The cardinal virtues were espoused and promoted by ancient philosophers well before the development of Christianity, the Holy Father said.
The Rite of Election 2024 Mass, held at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth is part of an ancient Catholic tradition where the catechumens and candidates are prepared to be received fully into the Catholic Church.