The Irene McCormack Catholic College community is celebrating 20 years of quality Catholic education this year, with the release of a book named Irene McCormack Catholic College, The First 20 Years – Prayer, Service, Justice.
As the Church in Australia prepares for Assembly 1 of Plenary 2020 (2-10 October, 2021), it has asked members to consider the question: “In what way does the Church in Australia recommit to the mission of Catholic education, including Catholic schools and universities in the decades to come?”
The role of Catholic schools has always been central to Australian Catholic identity, and the introduction of curricula and teaching practices, such as WA’s Religion and Life as an ATAR subject, plays an important role in the Church’s evangelisation and formation of young people.
Plenary asks for “candour and courage” as members examine the future of Catholic education.
Catholic Arts presented its’ winners from the primary and secondary category at their awards ceremony held on Tuesday, 17 August at the St Georges Terrace Forrest Centre. By Amanda Murthy.
Some 1000 people attended the My LIFE Launch and Careers Expo held on 28 July at Holy Cross College’s new sports centre. By The Record.
Following the success of the 2020 Catholic Education Leaders’ Forum Roadshow held at Catholic schools across WA, the 2021 roadshow kicked off earlier this month.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and Catholic Education Western Australia have last month gathered to jointly launch their respective Modern Slavery Statements.
A Night to Shine event, was a night to remember for 180 Trinity College students who were accompanied by the women who raised them, at the Optus Stadium on 5 August.
In celebration of National Families Week, Catholic Education Western Australia are highlighting the valuable role of the family in the life, faith, development and education of young people.
Building well-rounded young leaders equipped with Gospel teaching, was at the forefront of the recent Young Justice Leaders Forum (YJLF), that gained participation from 140 Catholic secondary school students (14 schools) from Years’ 9 and 10 from across the Archdiocese of Perth. By Amanda Murthy.
The Catholic Arts committee is this year honoured to introduce “The Spirit of the Arts” to the annual Performing Arts Festival. Staff and students of Catholic Education schools were present for the festival’s opening ceremony at St Mary’s Cathedral on 22 July, led by Fr Vincent Glynn EV.