Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton represented the Archdiocese of Perth at a special commemoration service for the recently deceased Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Perth priest Fr Milton Arias was recently farewelled during a funeral service in his home Diocese of Valledupar, Columbia. Fr Milton passed away on 8 August 2022.
In an interview with The Record for his ordination to the priesthood in 2003, Fr Milton said he felt very privileged that God has called him.
A free webinar will present a demographic picture of Australian churchgoers based on the results from the latest National Church Life Survey, plus practical reflections from a panel of ministry practitioners.
“Jesus is the truth, in a sense that is not only universal but also communal and personal; and the challenge is to live the search for truth today in the daily life of the church, of Christian communities,” the Holy Father said, Saturday 17 September while meeting with pilgrims from two Italian dioceses.
Director of the National Centre for Evangelisation Malcolm Hart said all Catholics are invited to participate in Evangelise, which will feature some of Australia’s leading theologians, ministers, missionaries and pastoral leaders.
More than 100 members and supporters of the WA ACRATH community have last month come together, raising some $6000 towards supporting those affected by modern slavery.
In celebrating the Eucharist, we are celebrating, and being drawn into, the great mystery of our salvation, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, in a Pastoral Letter published Tuesday 16 August.
The Pastoral Letter addressed the whole Perth Catholic community, focusing on what it means for us to be a Christ-centred Church which is prayerful and Eucharistic.
“If we want to be reconciled with one another and with ourselves, to be reconciled with the past, our eyes must be lifted to the crucified Jesus,” Pope Francis said.