Jesus challenges our normal way of thinking, Archbishop Costelloe tells Archdiocesan staff
With recent and prominent cyber-attacks, data breaches are becoming an increasing threat to all organisations and their people, and the impact of data breaches can be far reaching on an organisational and individual level.
The Archdiocese this week pays tribute to former Abortion Trauma Australia Director Julie Cook who passed away 28 September 2021.
ATA Operations Manager Mary Boston shares her Obituary, highlighting that Julie’s holistic achievements over the years increasingly attracted the support of health and community service professionals creating unprecedented opportunities to promote understanding of abortion trauma.
The Catholic Library of Western Australia was originally established as the WACE (Western Australian Catholic Educators) Resource Centre in Nedlands in 1973.
Attended by student representatives from 25 schools, the Secondary Schools Forum for LifeLink Day was held at Aranmore Catholic College and livestreamed to Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.
The convening of the Diocesan Assembly, said Archbishop Costelloe, is a relatively modest initiative, but it is designed to set a pattern for ongoing consultation and discernment. The First Archdiocesan Assembly is set to be launched Sunday 4 June at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Speaking at the 50th anniversary of the Our Lady of the Rosary Church of Doubleview Parish, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB explained that the parish, under the care of the Dominican friars, has been striving to live in communion with the Lord and His Church, and was coming together to celebrate all the ways in which the community has been faithful to this call.
The college community, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) representatives, and guests gathered for the blessing and opening of stages 3, 3a and 3b of the college’s construction project on Thursday, 16 March.
The Social Profile of the Catholic Community in Australia is the latest in a series of reports published following each national Census, providing extensive demographic information on Australian Catholics.
“God really is as close to us, and as compassionate and merciful towards us, and as loving, as Jesus proclaimed him to be,” Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said, speaking during his homilies for Easter at St Mary’s Cathedral.