The movement originally commenced in WA at City Beach Parish, where founders Brian and Denise Mills hosted the first gatherings after their inspiring experience at the 1973 National Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne.
In his latest encyclical Dilexit Nos (He Loved Us) the Holy Father emphasised how only a deep and abiding love in the Lord can inspire and fuel Catholics to share the Gospel and God’s love with the world.
Members voted on each of the 155 paragraphs of the document, which made suggestions and requests to Pope Francis that included long-term projects, such as the hope that more lay people would be involved in the selection of bishops.
In releasing the 2024 annual report, Group CEO Bryan Pyne acknowledged the difficulties facing the Australian private health care sector while anticipating a positive future.
Over the course of the weekend, seven men were immersed in the life of the Seminary community, joining the seminarians in prayer, shared meals, and listening to a few speakers who explored a plurality of different ideas.
All past and present Legion of Mary members are welcome to come together Saturday 9 November to commemorate the life of founder Frank Duff.
A new agency has this week been announced to enable priests and parishes to be supported in worship in addition to the ongoing provision of initial and ongoing formation of people.
One of the many lives changed through Br Andrew’s work is Chuluunbaatar, a man who found shelter at the House of Mercy, after a serious injury that left him facing homelessness.
The Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on 21 October marked the beginning of the Synod’s last week of work at the Vatican, a week that was to be dedicated to discussing and amending a final document before putting it to a vote on 26 October.
While the Holy Father explained the gifts the Holy Spirit gives to a couple through the sacrament of marriage, he repeatedly told visitors and pilgrims that the unity and love of parents are important for children’s growth and happiness.