Father Peter Murphy studied agriculture and worked as a field agronomist in Melbourne before entering the seminary.
In releasing the 2024 annual report, Group CEO Bryan Pyne acknowledged the difficulties facing the Australian private health care sector while anticipating a positive future.
All past and present Legion of Mary members are welcome to come together Saturday 9 November to commemorate the life of founder Frank Duff.
The Ordinary Council, chaired by the Holy Father, will play a fundamental role in the implementation of the synodal process on synodality and the preparation of the next Synod.
Cardinal-designate Mykola Bychok, a Redemptorist, will be the youngest cardinal in the Catholic Church, and only the eighth cardinal in both the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and of Australia.
Inspired by the office’s mission to preserve important information and ensure governance, Anish saw an opportunity to gain practical experience while contributing to a meaningful cause.
A schoolboy at the time of the Vietnam War, Bishop Sproxton noted that even then, he was questioning what he was seeing and asking – is there no other way than war and conflict?
Survivor advocate Mr Moe Turaga and Domus 8.7 remediation service advisor Ruth Furber praised the work of Catholic organisations in assessing and addressing modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.
This revitalisation month includes a heartfelt invitation for those not yet involved in the Society to consider how they might be able to put their faith in action and in a practical way show a profound commitment to the dignity of every human person and the call to solidarity.