“God really is as close to us, and as compassionate and merciful towards us, and as loving, as Jesus proclaimed him to be,” Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said, speaking during his homilies for Easter at St Mary’s Cathedral.
“We Catholics believe, that is, we know with the certainty of our faith, that in Jesus we have so much more than a really good man who lived a wonderful life and left us a remarkable legacy and a powerful teaching,” said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, speaking on Palm Sunday, 2 April.
Easter assures us that the Lord is alive today. He is risen from the dead and He stands before His Father praying for us. But, at the same time, He stands at the door of our lives and of our hearts and continues to knock, asking us to let Him in. He wants to make His home within us. Say “yes” to this gift. Accept this offer made in generosity and love. Begin to live your lives in Christ and allow Him to enrich the lives of all you love. Let your restless hearts be stilled by the power of His gift of Easter peace.
Speaking Tuesday 6 September to representatives from across the Archdiocese, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said the people on the ground in the concrete realities of our local communities are the ones who are there to help ensure that no child, no young person, and no vulnerable adult is ever hurt again, in any of our communities.
The Fifth Plenary Council of Australia and the global Synod on Synodality were key discussion points for Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President and Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Pope Francis when they met in October.
“It’s all about recognising that we all have a part to play,” Archbishop Costelloe said, explaining that Pope Francis, throughout his pontificate, has been striving “to shift the Church’s culture to one of active engagement in this task of being the visible sign that Christ is with us.”
Archbishop Costelloe has emerged as a leading figure in the church’s synodal reform process in Australia and globally. He was part of the Frascati team that synthesised the worldwide synodal dialogues and was recently appointed to the planning committee organising the synod assembly in October.
During the five weeks of Lent, four short video messages (in addition to the Introduction from Archbishop Costelloe) speaking about What is Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, were shown in our parish communities. The videos feature Fr Vincent Glynn, Sr Kerry Willison RSM and Mildred Rego.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is a member of the commission and brings with him the experience of the four-year process of the Australian Plenary Council, which concluded in July 2022.
Perth’s newest Catholic school has opened on the former site of the Riverlands Montessori School and will continue to honour Montessori education principles into the future.
Speaking at the opening of the new school, CEWA Acting Executive Director Wayne Bull said opening a new school takes immense commitment and selfless dedication from so many people.