For the first time in more than 30 years, the Archdiocese of Perth has on 13 July held an Archdiocesan Assembly. More than 100 delegates from parishes, agencies and offices across the Archdiocese gathered for the occasion, including nominated clergy, religious, and lay delegates.
In his speech for the Diocesan Assembly on Saturday 13 July, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB spoke about the role of listening and discernment in the proposed Pastoral Council.
Archbishop Costelloe highlighted that the Gospel story of the day in which Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven makes the point that religion is not, or at least should not be, something peripheral to our lives.
Archbishop Costelloe said the commission did not appear to have sought constitutional legal advice despite submissions detailing the problems with abolishing Basic Religious Charities.
The Instrumentum laboris is not a magisterial document or a catechism, but a way to encourage prayer, dialogue, discernment and the “maturing of a consensus”, according to an explanatory paper.
In his homily for the 25th anniversary of Mary Mackillop Church and 35th anniversary of Ballajura Parish, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe spoke about our understanding of sacraments.
The Perth Catholic community is being invited to dedicate the weekend of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July to prayer for the upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly.
“As graduates from a Catholic university, you are graduating from an institution which draws its inspiration and the very meaning of its existence from the life and teachings of the one who said, “I have come to bring life to all and bring life in all its fulness” (Jn 10:10),” Archbishop Costelloe emphasised.
The annual Archbishop’s Secondary Schools Forum in support of LifeLink Day is an invitation to make sure that we never lose sight of those people in our society who are really in need, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said.