Speaking at the Catholic Education Western Australia Commissioning and Acknowledgement of System Leaders Mass, Friday 17 November, at the Chapel of St Michael the Archangel, Leederville, Archbishop Costelloe emphasised to the teachers and principals present, the need to be faithful to the high ideals of our Christian faith.
During an address to Australian bishops, Archbishop Gallagher said Pope Francis encouraged the Church in Australia to “hold on to hope and dream of a Church which is responsive to the needs of people, while fulfilling its calling to offer the consolation of the Resurrection and authentic solidarity to those who suffer”.
In his second interview with Gerard O’Connell from America Magazine, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe speaks about the recent first assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome.
In the Gospels, highlights Archbishop Costelloe, we’re constantly being presented with the way Jesus approaches people, individual people.
“We see him encountering different people in the concrete reality of their own situations and responding to them in their situation. That’s what we’ve got to learn: the way of Jesus.”
Western Australia has become the latest state to expand its abortion laws, following the passing of the Acts Amendment (Abortion) Bill 1998 on 20 September.
Speaking in a statement published 20 June, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB said that life is simply too precious to be destroyed in this way.
In the spirit of Pope Francis and in a bid to increase the involvement of Catholic youth in the life of the Church, the Archdiocese of Perth with Catholic Youth Ministry Perth embarked on a review process to look at the key challenges facing Catholic youth in Perth.
It is very characteristic of our Catholic tradition that we honour the saints, look to their lives and witness for inspiration and example, and rely on their prayers in times of need and distress, Archbishop Costelloe has said, speaking at the Mass to honour the relics of St John Bosco at St Mary’s Cathedral.
New John XXIII College Principal Daniel Mahon commitment to Catholic education is unwavering, and he has a deep affinity for Ignatian spirituality, which echoes the school’s faith focus on bringing each student to an awareness of God’s presence in all things.
The 96-place residence, located near the Swan River just off Great Eastern Highway in Belmont, offers relaxed, riverside living for older people who need high-quality care and support.
Attending before the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee’s inquiry Monday 11 September, Archbishop Costelloe began his testimony with his repeated “sincere apology to those who have been so badly wronged by members of the Catholic Church”.