Trainer, consultant and public speaker Sam Elam says that saying sorry can turn a shocking situation into one that managed strategically and with genuine heart.
In his homily for the 2022 Volunteers Week Mass, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton reflected on St John’s Gospel of The Last Supper, highlighting that Jesus is teaching us that God loves us first and that in order for us to live as disciples of that love, we are given the Spirit that enables us to give ourselves totally in the way that he has given.
Welcome to Issue 36 of The Record Magazine.
Our thanks to our sponsors Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund for their ongoing support. This issue features a special report on Monsignor John Hawes, whose cause for canonisation is being put forward by the Diocese of Geraldton. Exclusive to this issue is our report that the Archdiocese of Perth is set to build a program of discernment for the formation of Permanent Deacons.
As Christians, one of our instinctive, and very sound, responses, is to turn to God in prayer. We are disciples of the one who told us to ask, to seek and to knock, believing that in doing so God would respond (cf Matt 7:7). We have been, are, and will continue to be people of prayer for the needs of our world, whether that world be our family, our neighborhood, our fellow Australians or people we have never met on the other side of the world.
This recipe was taken from centuries old cooking techniques and when possible applied modern cooking methods and/or ingredients. It uses Asian cooking styles, Asian Spices, Asian Sauces and Asian Ingredients. The style of cooking may have a slight alteration while still maintaining the dish’s overall purpose.
Catholic Education Western Australia is made up of 158 Catholic schools in Western Australia, educating more than 74,000 students, not just in metropolitan areas but in some of the most remote places in the State.
What’s more is that those numbers place CEWA as one of the largest employers in Western Australia, alongside household names in the mining sector and other
well-known large retail groups.
Perth theologian Professor Matthew Ogilvie writes that secular universities are filled with people searching for truth.
However, a lack of faith in the fount of all truth and lacking confidence, they resort to cancelling.
Saint John Paul II, writes Professor Ogilvie, did not tell us to preserve truth by suppressing challenges but by pursuing a higher truth.
New Migrant Wallace Mwapamba says that the support provided by Centacare Employment and Training has enabled him to add value to someone’s life – something you can never put a price on.
Wallace enrolled in Centacare’s Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) course in early 2021.
Ukrainian Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko spoke of the deep sadness of his people and the horror which is being visited upon them during Ash Wednesday Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Hundreds gathered for a community prayer service on Sunday 6 March, led by the Ukrainian Association of WA Inc and Archbishop Costelloe composed a prayer, encouraging Perth Catholics to pray for peace.