Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB spoke these words in a recent homily for the opening of the Baldivis Parish St Teresa of Calcutta Church
Our thanks to our sponsor, Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA) for their ongoing contribution and support. Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week delivered his 2021 Easter Message, highlighting that the challenges we face, not just because of the pandemic but because of the many other difficulties and problems that each of us face, often overwhelm us.
Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) celebrates its 50th Anniversary as a single, state-wide system this year, with staff and distinguished guests at last fortnight’s event acknowledging past contributions that have enabled such a strong foundation for Catholic Education Western Australia’s future growth and success. The evening featured addresses by current CECWA Chair, the Most Reverend Gerard Holohan DD, Bishop of Bunbury and Dr Peter Tannock AM, former CEWA Director, CECWA Chair and UNDA Vice-Chancellor, as well as the screening of a short film sharing stories from past Catholic educators, system leaders and current students.
I send you all my Easter greetings of peace, and my prayerthat you are refreshed in faith and hope through the celebration of theResurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Easter story is, indeed, the great message of hope forthe world. It is the story of the immense love that God has for humanity andcreation. It is in the yearly telling of that story that we can be moved to arenewed faith and commitment to God who never ceases to work in our lives, in our times.
What will we do when we finally get back to our parishes? I
don’t think anyone really knows, but I suspect it will not be business as usual. For many it will be a joy to return to the Masses they have missed so much; for
others it may be a little more complicated. Our lives have been turned upside down and we will have had months to think with
only streamed Masses to accompany us. There is much to rethink and rebuild. There will be questions that we will only
slowly come to appreciate. That
is why I believe that it is fortunate that the assemblies of the Plenary
Council have been delayed. We will need time to come to grips with our new
In its 56th year, Project Compassion is one of Australia’s longest running appeals, and has been a long-standing lenten fixture in parishes across Australia with its iconic donation boxes. In this time, Australians have raised millions of dollars for marginalized communities worldwide. Project Compassion 2021 was launched in Catholic schools in Western Australia on Tuesday, 16 February. By Amanda Murthy.
After almost a decade of Prison Ministry, Joe O’Brien finally felt that it was time for him to start a new chapter in his career.
This year sees him taking on the role as Director of the Emmanuel Centre.
The self-help Centre provides a caring and supportive environment for people with a variety of abilities, empowering them to share their gifts through programs tailored to their needs.
The life of the late Dr Richard Vincent McSweeney BA, Dip Ed, MA (Hons), Cert Soc Sc, PhD who departed on 31 December 2020, will go down in history as a man who was largely dedicated to the Catholic Church, to Catholic Education and to helping others. By Amanda Murthy.