The development of the prayer resources for the First Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia has required a different way of thinking, said Mercy Sister Kerry Willison, Chair of the Plenary Council Liturgy Committee and Director of Liturgy for the Archdiocese of Perth.
The issue of Conversion in the Agenda of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia invites Members to think about how we might better accompany one another on the journey of personal and communal conversion which mission in Australia requires.
What does formation mean? What is it and how do we get it?
Is it merely through catechesis? Is it by committing the principles of the faith to memory by rote?
According to Centre of Faith Enrichment lecturer Natalie Thomas, formation is about much more. It is about learning to understand the God in whom we trust and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Nathan Hondros reports for The Record ahead of the First Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia.