This is the most important week of the Christian year. During these next few days, we will relive Jesus’ passion and resurrection. Through our liturgies, we will try to share in his suffering. It will be an emotion-filled week. Few Christians can look closely at the cross and not be moved with compassion.
Perth Archbishop and Plenary Council 2020 President Timothy Costelloe SDB has last week announced that he and his fellow bishops are “amazed” by the engagement of people across Australia in the Council’s opening stage.
For week six of The Record’s campaign focussing on all aspects of the 2020 Plenary Council, Facilitation team member Fr Noel Connolly speaks about the need for a missionary church.
While people were still sharing their stories of faith and of God with the Plenary Council last night and the final numbers won’t be known for a couple of weeks, the Listening and Dialogue stage is considered a “landmark moment” for the Catholic Church in Australia.
As the fifth part of The Record’s campaign about the 2020 Plenary Council, Facilitation team member Fr Noel Connolly speaks about the dream of Vatican II.
With just three weeks remaining of the Listening and Dialogue phase of the 2020 Plenary Council, parishioners across the Archdiocese of Perth are being encouraged to attend a session at their local parish.
Fr Ian Waters provides an indepth insight into the upcoming Plenary Council of 2020 and how it relates to Canon Law. The below article has been edited but is published in full by the Australasian Catholic Record, October 2018.
As the Church in Australia moves towards its first Plenary Council in more than 80 years, it could hardly be said that its past conciliar experience looms large; in fact, it has been largely forgotten.
Director for the Office of Evangelisation from the Diocese of Broken Bay, Daniel Ang, who is also a member of the Executive Committee, Plenary Council 2020, gave this insightful outline at the commencement of the process in 2018.
The Plenary Council is much more than just an event taking place in 2020. If it is to deliver on its promise of revealing what God is calling us to, it vital for it to be understood as a process that invites the Catholic community to walk together on the path to dialogue.