Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has been announced as the new Chairman for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Education Commission.
To celebrate World Communications Day this Sunday, 17 May, the e-Record looks at the speech by Archbishop Claudio Celli, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, who spoke at the recent Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Communications Congress.
Catholic Social Services Australia released a statement this week about the 2015 Federal Budget, saying that, despite its commitment to listen to the community, the government has taken the approach of making itself as small a target as possible by deferring its critical 2015 budget measures until after the next federal election.
A world-first partnership between The Broken Bay Institute (BBI) and Saint Paul University (SPU) in Ottawa, Canada, will enable SPU to deliver the first pontifically recognised degree in Canon Law within Australia.
The President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, has this week expressed his deepest sympathies to the families of Andrew Chan and Myurun Sukumaran following their executions in Indonesia on Wednesday morning, 29 April.
The Catholic Church in Australia has this month launched a specially commissioned body of liturgical music, known as the ‘Mass for the Fallen’, to commemorate the ANZAC Centenary.
The Leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan has last week said that religious life will survive into the future as people continue to search for ways to seek God and help their neighbour.
When visitors enter the Jamberoo Abbey church, located in southern New South Wales, the first thing to strike them is the stunning backdrop of full-length glass windows behind the altar and tabernacle.
A day after a deadly brawl that left homes trashed and forced families to move into a community hall, the Catholic Church has warned Aboriginal residents of Kalumburu they are vulnerable while divided.