Pope Francis has recently announced the appointment as the fourth Bishop of Parramatta, the Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv, who has been until now an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
As Australians gathered across the country, along with those in ANZAC Cove, to commemorate ANZAC Day 2016, a small group of expatriate Australians and New Zealanders continued the tradition at a special Mass at Domus Australia in Rome.
The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and the Aboriginal Catholic Council of Perth were pleased to receive news earlier this year of the release of The State of Reconciliation in Australia Report by Reconciliation Australia.
Catholic Mission recently launched its 2016 Church Appeal, focusing on education in Cambodia and carrying the theme, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these… you did it to me”.
In speaking on the launch of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has said that Pope Francis has spoken as a true pastor, who really knows the human heart.
The Bishops of Australia have last week launched a new liturgical worship book at the Catholic Leadership Centre in Melbourne, 30 years after the last one was published.
President of the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, of Melbourne, last week delivered his 2016 Easter Message, encouraging all Catholics to heed the message of Pope Francis in the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Dhaniram is driven to help create change in his village. Through the grass-roots Hamara Haq (‘our rights’) project, run by Caritas India and supported by Caritas Australia, he’s gained the skills to help his community claim what’s rightfully theirs and develop their plan for a better future.
A Senior priest who works closely with asylum seekers in detention has called on the Prime Minister to end their incarceration.
National Catholic Education Commission Executive Director, Ross Fox, says Catholic schools are committed to creating safe environments that are free from bullying for all students, but a review of the Safe Schools Coalition is appropriate.