A native of Brooklyn New York, new Australian Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Balvo has said the task of any Apostolic Nuncio is to be the eyes, ears and hands of the Holy Father,
“An extension of the Holy Father’s Ministry, because the Holy Father has his concern for the Church, all aspects of its life.”
Archbishop Balvo presented his credentials to the Governor-General of Australia on Friday 1 April.
Poets from around Australia are encouraged to submit their finest works on the theme ‘Hope’ as part of the annual Australian Catholic University Prize for Poetry competition, which has been around since 2013.
National Catholic Education Executive Director Jacinta Collins has last week welcomed the endorsement by Commonwealth, state and territory education ministers of the new Australian Curriculum (F-10), highlighting that it focused on refining, realigning and decluttering the content of the curriculum.
Sydney catechist Caroline Fisher said the picture book, “Jesus Had a Body Like Me: A Theology of the Body for Babies and Little Ones,” is aimed not just at children but at those who read to them. By Marilyn Rodrigues Catholic News Service.
With local petrol prices already at record highs, reaching a national average of $1.79 cents per litre in the week to 20 February, Australians are bracing themselves for record petrol prices that will impact low-income earners and welfare recipients the hardest.
The Church was initially uncomfortable with its adherents’ drinking chocolate because the drink had been used as part of Aztec religious rituals. The Aztecs regarded chocolate as gift of the gods and associated it with the human heart. By The Record.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney’s Council of Catholic Schools Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) will be presenting free webinars to help families challenges faced everyday such as online security, wellbeing, and more.
Vicar for Effective Communication, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG has this week encouraged those who are unable to attend Mass to tune in to Mass For You at Home, a ministry of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, in partnership with the Diocese of Wollongong.