A study by Alpha Australia which surveyed 1000 people has found that Australians are most likely to go to friends and family (52 per cent) or online (48 per cent) to find answers to the questions they have about faith, beliefs, and spirituality.
Vatican correspondent Christopher Lamb delivered a public lecture entitled The Outsider Pope: Where is Francis leading our Church, hosted by the Diocese of Parramatta on Tuesday 5 July.
Speakers for the upcoming National Deacons Conference in October this year include New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald M speaking on “Deacons Missioning in a Church Without Walls”, Plenary Council Facilitator Lana Turvey-Collins on listening and service and Dr Anne Benjamin covering how deacons can nurture a synodal Church.
Archbishop Costelloe encouraged Members to believe that what the Archangel Gabriel said to the Blessed Virgin Mary is true for them today: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow.”
Plenary Council Members have celebrated the passage of almost all motions contained in the Motions and Amendments document that formed the second assembly’s agenda on Friday 8 July.