Catholic Mission: Kick your goals for good in 2022!

15 Sep 2022

By The Record

Socktober Banner
Socktober image Ethiopian boys playing soccer with a ‘sockball’, a ball made of plastic bag and old rags. Photo: Supplied.

Catholic Mission’s flagship program Socktober is back this year in the Perth’s schools to engage with students within the work of mission, through the Head, Hearts and Hands model.
In Perth and the surrounding region, schools are currently registering to take part in the challenge and learn more about the life-giving work of mission.

“Currently we have about 10 schools that are super excited about being part of Socktober, which is inspiring and very promising!” says Judith Nyamuli, the local Schools Engagement Coordinator for Catholic Mission.

Socktober cultivates the passion of students, engages their local community, and takes action against poverty through the world game of soccer. It challenges students and their families to kick goals for good.

The aim of the program is to empower school communities by celebrating and engaging with mission.

“St Munchin’s Catholic School has been a superstar right from the beginning. They quickly jumped on board, making use of the available resources and getting their teachers and students involved in making sockballs and kicking goals. I am expecting great engagement from this school and many other schools this year for Socktober,” says Judith.

Socktober provides young people in Australia with the opportunity to lead in mission, encouraging them to think not only of what they will do to help, but why they will do it.

Socktober image Ethiopian boys playing soccer with a ‘sockball’, a ball made of plastic bag and old rags. Photo: Supplied.

The challenge consists in setting goals based on the resource packs, and being supported by families and friends toward reaching the goals.

“More than just being a fundraising program, we aim to engage students and raise their missionary vocations, which lives in all of us” says Matthew Poynting, National Community Engagement Officer.

This year, the country of focus is Ethiopia, as Catholic Mission is currently supporting mission development projects in the capital Addis Ababa, in the rural region of Emdibir and the town of Meki.

So let’s kick goals for good, and join us for this new edition of Socktober!

To learn more, visit