A national online conference will promote understanding and explore practices of evangelisation in Australia through encounters with Christ, formation in discipleship and mission in the world. The conference will be hosted in different locations around Australia, opening on the evening of October 20.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB last week joined Catholic Religious Australia President, Br Peter Carroll FMS and Chair of the Association of Ministerial PJPs Eva Skira AM in Brisbane to discuss how dioceses, religious institutes and ministerial public juridic persons can collaborate to advance the mission of the Church in Australia.
The Word of God is central to the life of the Church and therefore to the life of every Christian and every Christian community, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, speaking at the Catholic Health Australia National Conference, Tuesday 23 August in Brisbane.
The Hobart Cathedral closed on 4 July 2022 to allow much-needed restoration to commence. Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous announced this week that the Cathedral will remain closed until early December, two months later than originally thought, to further advance restoration work.
In releasing the 2022 Social Justice Statement, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said the teaching of Christ urges us to promote relationships marked by respect and freedom rather than coercion and control.
Caritas Australia CEO Kirsty Robertson has said that the famine in Ethopia, Kenya and Somalia are some of the worst in this lifetime.
The international humanitarian organisation is taking its Make Hunger History campaign to parishes and schools across Australia to raise funds for its Africa Food Crisis Appeal.
In a Pastoral Letter released this week Wednesday 27 July, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB highlighted that in the two formal Assemblies of the Plenary Council, and in the many years of preparation, there has been a recognition that, in spite of the many failures and limitations of individual Catholics and of Catholic communities, the Church remains a powerful force for good in our society.