Speaking via videolink for the 2023 LifeLink Day for Primary Schools, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has last week told some 450 teachers, students and principals from Perth Primary Schools that Jesus is united with those people who for one reason or another who are not able to care for themselves.
The physics equipment was given to the Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (STAWA) so it could be recycled and given a new life with primary school students.
The college community, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) representatives, and guests gathered for the blessing and opening of stages 3, 3a and 3b of the college’s construction project on Thursday, 16 March.
The launch of Project Compassion 2023 saw more than 200 Masses held across the country with a Caritas Australia Representative speaking about Project Compassion.
In Perth, more than 2,000 students heard from Caritas Australia’s CEO, Kristy Robertson, who shared her first-hand experiences working with Project Compassion at an event co-hosted by Servite College and St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School.
Perth Catholics have this year been invited to think about the great yes that Mary spoke when the angel told her she was to become the mother of Jesus.
Perth’s newest Catholic school has opened on the former site of the Riverlands Montessori School and will continue to honour Montessori education principles into the future.
Speaking at the opening of the new school, CEWA Acting Executive Director Wayne Bull said opening a new school takes immense commitment and selfless dedication from so many people.
Chisholm Catholic College Year 8 students were last year tasked with examining the suburb where they live and creating a vision that makes it ‘fit for purpose’ in 50 years’ time.
Aquinas College Director of Spirituality Dr Andrew Kania says he has witnessed a significant amount of generosity for war-torn Ukraine, including many Australian families cancelling holidays and birthday parties in order to donate for the freight costs of consignments.
In a statement released via email Monday 24 October, Loreto Ministries acting chief executive Paul Ould said that for many years, the changing demographic and educational landscape of the catchment area has presented challenges to the Loreto Province of Australia and South East Asia (the Province) and, more recently, to Loreto Ministries.
A recent practical and creative arts exhibition at Chisholm College saw guest speaker and former student Olive Cheng speak about her journey to becoming an artist.