Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has last week on Good Friday, 15 April, invited the congregation to remember the image of Mary at the foot of the cross.
“Which invites us to remember, and to pray for, all those mothers who are grieving the loss of their sons and daughters, of their husbands, and of their brothers and sisters, in the dreadful conflict which is engulfing Ukraine,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President and Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has said no one political party fully embodies Catholic social teaching, offering an election statement to encourage Catholics and people of good will to reflect on the good they can do for their community by using their vote for the good of all.
Speaking about the women finding Christ alive, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe said that what this meant for those first disciples was that their faith, so shattered by the horror of the death of Jesus, was not just reborn but “exploded into something new and completely life-changing”
Bullsbrook’s Our Lady of the Revelation Church will this weekend 9 April celebrate the anniversary of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary to Luigina Sinapi and Bruno Cornacchiola.
Speaking to parishioners at the Ellenbrook Parish St Helena’s Church, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on the parable of the prodigal son from Luke’s gospel.
One of the nation’s longest running charity campaigns Project Compassion looks at the story of Thandolwayo from Zimbabwe, Halima from Bangladesh, Shirley from the Philippines. Thanks to Caritas, they have gained access to life’s basic needs, and are able to contribute to their community.