Archbishop Costelloe encouraged Members to believe that what the Archangel Gabriel said to the Blessed Virgin Mary is true for them today: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow.”
Plenary Council Members have celebrated the passage of almost all motions contained in the Motions and Amendments document that formed the second assembly’s agenda on Friday 8 July.
As Wednesday’s proceedings came to a close, Members of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia were invited to remember the “saving unity” to which the Church is called.
Members of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia were encouraged on Tuesday evening to embrace the “new and demanding urgency” of ecumenism.
St John of God Health Care has awarded fellowships to four caregivers to undertake research in their clinical areas.
A partnership between MercyCare and the New Norcia Benedictine Community has provided promising employment opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers.
More than 200 Canning Vale parishioners came together for the Feast of Corpus Christi to participate in the annual procession