Thirty young adults from across Perth are standing in a carpark near ‘Ye Olde Narrogin Inne’.
The attendees are dressed in a range of colourful clothes, stretching, talking, and laughing.
They’ve come together on a bright Saturday morning to scale up the 500-metre height of ‘Mt Cooke’ with Perth’s Catholic Youth Ministry team.
The University of Notre Dame Australia is pleased to be hosting an interfaith event celebrating the three religious traditions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam that share a common origin in Abraham. The theme for this year’s event is: “Care for our Common Home: Stewardship, Responsibility and the Gift of Creation”.
After attending St Joseph’s Primary Bunbury and then Newton Moore College, 29-year-old Nathan has this week recalled in a special interview that he first started thinking about a vocation to the priesthood in 2011.
Nathan will be ordained a Deacon by Bishop Gerard Holohan at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury, this Friday 8 October at 7pm.
Archdiocese of Perth Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director Donella Brown offered her reflection on the 2022 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Conference Assembly, highlighting that as people gathered on the first day, there was a collective sigh that at last, we were here gathering, renewing friendships, and carrying on the tradition of storytelling and celebrating our Catholic faith and Aboriginal Culture.
Bishop Saunders stood aside as Bishop of Broome in March 2020 after media reports that Western Australia Police had begun an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct.
The Holy See has now initiated a canonical investigation.
A new study about Catholics in Australia and what they believe is being led by Professor Stephen Bullivant from the University of Notre Dame Australia and St Mary’s University, Twickenham, UK and Dr Philippa Martyr from the University of Western Australia.
The first ever Vatican World Cycling Team last weekend joined Caritas Australia to learn about truth-telling and reconciliation.
A multi-faith service will this month be held in Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral in support of calls for an end to approvals for new coal and gas projects and to public subsidies for fossil fuel industries.
In a special obituary written by Fr Maurice Toop himself, Perth Catholics gain a special insight in the life of the Perth priest who will be remembered fondly for his dedication to the ministry to indigenous people and love for the many people to whom he ministered in Northbridge, Highgate, Maylands, Northam, Osborne Park and the Diocese of Geraldton. He passed away peacefully on 13 August 2022.
Sisters of St Joseph Congregational Leader, Sister Monica Cavanagh reflected that as young Sisters, the Golden Jubilarians had in the words of Pope Francis, “bought a pair of walking shoes and set out on uncharted paths”.
Western Australian Sisters Alma Cabassi, Nola Goodwin and Maree Riddler were among those who celebrated their Golden Jubilee.