A recent practical and creative arts exhibition at Chisholm College saw guest speaker and former student Olive Cheng speak about her journey to becoming an artist.
Leaders of Western Australia’s Catholic, Muslim and Jewish communities – which all share a common origin Abraham – have last week come together to speak about issues that unite them and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Professor Father Eamonn Conway has last week provided a rich and stimulating address exploring how faith and integral human development intersect, and their importance in creating intellectually and spiritually developed people who live their lives authentically.
Fifty years ago, Mercy Sisters from St Brigid’s West Perth had the foresight to establish Mercy College Koondoola, with the College now claiming the benefits of that initiative and the carrying out of that mission ever since.
Armadale Parish Priest Father Mark Baumgarten will next month host a live music event titled, “An Afternoon of Songs (and a few stories)”.
The University of Notre Dame Vice Chancellor, Prof Francis Campbell has last weekend presented Blessing of the Fleet President John Mintiullo and the 2022 Blessing of the Fleet Regina, Christina Manuele, with a Notre Dame Cross, made from beautiful Western Australian jarrah wood.
On 13 October 2022, St Mary’s Cathedral hosted a multifaith service, alongside others held across Australia to raise awareness of climate change and to seek greater commitment from the Australian government to stop new fossil fuel developments.