Caritas-Spes Ukraine employees were unharmed, but the warehouse with everything inside burned to the ground, including 33 pallets of food packages, 10 pallets of hygiene kits and canned food, 10 pallets of generators and clothes are confirmed as destroyed.
Facilitated by Justice, Ecology and Development Office Director Carol Mitchell, the Perth Launch opened to an emotive vision of ‘You’re the Voice’ at the Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview, with a Welcome to Country provided by New Norcia born Benedictine Sr Veronica Willaway OSB.
Organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) crowds at the post WYD Unite Rally were treated to an evening of music, interviews, drama, fellowship and dance, featuring priest-musician Fr Rob Galea.
Attending before the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee’s inquiry Monday 11 September, Archbishop Costelloe began his testimony with his repeated “sincere apology to those who have been so badly wronged by members of the Catholic Church”.
The aim of the new website is to enhance the reach, support and engagement with all members of the community who are searching for ways to act on their calling from God.
As the superstars of the FIFA Women’s World Cup kicked their goals, the launch of Socktober 2023 will have students across Australia kicking their own, and for a good cause.
Fellow clergy, parishioners young and old, friends and community members gathered in May to celebrate the Golden Jubilee and farewell of former Palmyra Parish Priest Fr Francis Ughanze, in which he spoke about the God’s love for each of us, and the role of the priest.
Commencing Monday 4 September, ACRATH delegates worked to engage with members of Parliament to bring attention to pressing issues surrounding human trafficking and modern slavery, and advocate for systemic change.
The 2023-2024 Perth Archdiocesan Assembly, continued Fr Vincent, is the first of its kind for the Archdiocese and was announced Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in April 2023, and launched on Trinity Sunday 4 June 2023 at St Mary’s Cathedral.