Sunday 30 April marked Good Shepherd Sunday, where 13 men made enquiries at St Charles Seminary as part of the annual Vocations Open Day.
Speaking at the National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton retold how when he was in primary school at Bayswater and Bedford, schools depended on the parents, firstly, to build the school by self-help and then, continue to develop the amenities needed for a more complete education of their children.
Deacon Greg explained that majority of the funds were used to assist 28 newly arrived families through provision of vouchers for much-needed food and clothing.
The faith formation and social education session at St Mary’s Cathedral saw 17 participants enjoy a morning tea while learning about the church response to modern slavery and what they could do as individuals to assist.
“As the trusted adults in our children’s lives we can support them to maximise the benefits and
minimise the risks,” Perth Archdiocese Director of Safeguarding Barbara Blayney has said, ahead of a workshop for Cyber Safety and Digital Wellness.
As the Perth Palm Sunday 2023 theme and promotional flyer highlighted, guests gathered to ‘Walk for Peace… against the horrors of war and persecution that forces people to flee their homes’.
Speaking Tuesday 6 September to representatives from across the Archdiocese, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said the people on the ground in the concrete realities of our local communities are the ones who are there to help ensure that no child, no young person, and no vulnerable adult is ever hurt again, in any of our communities.
Archdiocese of Perth Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director Donella Brown offered her reflection on the 2022 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Conference Assembly, highlighting that as people gathered on the first day, there was a collective sigh that at last, we were here gathering, renewing friendships, and carrying on the tradition of storytelling and celebrating our Catholic faith and Aboriginal Culture.
During the five weeks of Lent, four short video messages (in addition to the Introduction from Archbishop Costelloe) speaking about What is Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, were shown in our parish communities. The videos feature Fr Vincent Glynn, Sr Kerry Willison RSM and Mildred Rego.
Every day, more than 200 million children miss out on school, around 690 million people experience extreme hunger and 2.2 billion people cannot access clean drinking water.