This year, among the diverse groups and individuals participating, a team from Catholic Youth Ministry in conjunction with Caritas Australia saw 16 enthusiastic entrants who ran and walked their way to the finish line.
Parish Pastoral Care Program Coordinators and Volunteers were recently celebrated by Catholic Outreach in conjunction with National Volunteers Week.
The free event will look at elder abuse/staying safe, access to aged care and the care finders program and will take place Wednesday 5 June from 9.30am to 11am at Holy Trinity Church, 8 Burnett Street, Embleton.
The app is an educational tool for faith leaders, clergy and their staff to help identify modern slavery and safeguard their communities.
Young teens from around Perth had the opportunity to come together in Christ for this night of energy, fun and connection, held at the Treeby Community and Sports Centre.
Even with all the fun in dancing and dressing up to fit with the theme of the night, the ball served as a social event to connect young Catholics with others who are likeminded and feel bonded as a community within the Archdiocese.
The Archdiocese is welcoming the audit as an opportunity to take stock of its progress to date in developing a culture of safeguarding throughout its parishes and ministries.
Addressing the scholarship recipients and their guests, Fr Vincent linked Archbishop Hickey’s decision to open a Scholarship in 2013 to his great love for the Scriptures enkindled through a sabbatical year spent in the Holy Land.