Join in Laudato Si’ Week as Australians respond to the social and ecological crisis facing our world. You can choose to participate individually or as part of a school or parish community. This is a call to action to hear The Cry of the Earth and The Cry of the Poor and to engage in critical ecological and social justice action.
The recently launched Pathway Program offers rigorous preparation for those wanting to be involved in pastoral ministry and other career paths involving critical thinking, evaluation of arguments, teaching, problem solving and clear and creative writing.
United States Jesuit priest Fr Fred Kammer SJ will next week speak at two seminars with the aim of animating Catholic social teaching and bringing alive the Church’s best kept secret.
The social outreach organisation was recently gifted a collection of statues and invited Emeritus Archbishop Hickey to bless them.
A lent resource Take a Walk with a Yamatji Man, The Way of the Cross – A Healing Journey, released by the Archdiocese of Perth in an 18-minute video, encourages the community to reflect and pray together this Holy season. By Amanda Murthy.
New Migrant Wallace Mwapamba says that the support provided by Centacare Employment and Training has enabled him to add value to someone’s life – something you can never put a price on.
Wallace enrolled in Centacare’s Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) course in early 2021.
Nicknamed “Apple” by his family, Yalgoo Badimia Yamatji man and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Pastoral Worker Reg Carnamah will be remembered as a happy-go-lucky person and a man of faith, who was passionate about his work for the church. He passed away on 23 January.
A recently launched café named Mama Lili’s Goodwill café 13 October 2021, as a way to promote a space where members can come together with a “Healthy Body: Healthy Mind.” By Amanda Murthy.
Work is well underway for the build of two of six Identitywa houses which aims to provide modern, well designed and fully accessible homes for people with disability who require housing.