Archdiocese of Perth Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director Donella Brown offered her reflection on the 2022 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Conference Assembly, highlighting that as people gathered on the first day, there was a collective sigh that at last, we were here gathering, renewing friendships, and carrying on the tradition of storytelling and celebrating our Catholic faith and Aboriginal Culture.
Ahead of an upcoming symposium focusing on child poverty, WA Anti-Poverty Week Committee Co-Chair, Centrecare Inc Director, Adj. Prof. Tony Pietropiccolo, explained to The Record that approximately three quarters of a million Australian children live in poverty, with 100,000 of these in Western Australia.
This year, Safeguarding Sunday, 11 September, which marks the end of National Child Protection week, was commemorated in parishes across Perth – not just St Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass was also a special celebration of the life of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away Thursday 8 September at the age of 96.
Partnering with innovative building company INKA, the homes are being built for Identitywa participants with an innovative construction method that sees quicker results than traditional building methods. Photo: Supplied.
Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has mirrored Pope Francis sentiment in relation to domestic violence, following the Perth launch of the 2022 Social Justice statement Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse.
Speaking this week to representatives from across the Archdiocese, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said the people on the ground in the concrete realities of our local communities are the ones who are there to help ensure that no child, no young person, and no vulnerable adult is ever hurt again, in any of our communities.
The topic of faith and community were front and centre for some 40 young adults at a recent weekend retreat for Catholic Youth Ministry staff, volunteers and individuals from campus ministries, lay movements and ecclesial groups.
Three local identities are set to headline the second Australian Catholic History Symposium on Wednesday 21 September, which includes three 20 minute presentation on the theme of ‘Professional Histories and Faith’.
“One part of my ministry that I have enjoyed so much, has been the preparation of couples for marriage,” said Perth Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton, during last weekend’s Annual Marriage Day Mass.