St Mary’s Cathedral Parish has last weekend launched their Modern Slavery Project after the evening Mass.
Cathedral Dean Rev Dr Sean Fernandez the Project is important because it invites the parish to respond to the social ill of modern slavery by taking a very practical step.
“We will be investigating our own supply chains to identify where there might be risk,” Fr Sean explained.
The Project will run until the end of the year and during that time, the Cathedral Parish will review its procurement policy, host several faith formation and social education sessions as well as a morning tea introducing Fairtrade products.
“We need to ensure that the way we act as a Catholic community is consonant with our belief in the dignity of each person. We do not want to support structures which exploit or enslave our brothers and sisters,” Fr Sean concluded.
The launch of the Project last week Saturday 11 February included a sausage sizzle on the lawns of the Cathedral hosted by the St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council.
Tony Meyrick, the Liaison Officer for the duration of the Project said the parish has already undertake a significant amount of work in planning this project across the year and are keen to see it through to its completion.
“It is a good that we can do, and I believe it’s a good we should do,” Mr Meyrick said.
Cathedral Manager, Victor Hoa, said he is glad the parish has signed on to this Project
“I believe it will also assist in the faith maturation and individual personal growth of our community. It’s a win-win for all involved,” Mr Hoa said.
Grace Kurniawan, WACMRO Officer working with St Mary’s on the project, observed that the data on forced labour in our region and here in Australia is clear.
“The impact on victims and their families is heart-wrenching. I think St Marys’ is undertaking a very important step by responding to the issue in such an efficient and effective way,” Ms Kurniawan said.
WACMRO Director, Dcn Greg Lowe, noted that despite a relatively small procurement spend, St Mary’s have decided to combat modern slavery by ensuring they don’t contribute to it.
“They should be commended for this considered act of neighbourly love,” Deacon Greg said.
If your parish is interested in signing on to the Parish Modern Slavery Project, please contact Grace Kurniawan wacmro@perthcatholic.org.au or visit: wacmro.perthcatholic.org.au
The Cathedral Modern Slavery Project is a collaboration between St Mary’s Cathedral Parish and the West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office, WACMRO.