Being faithful to God means taking the risk of setting aside one’s own needs and plans in order to serve others, Pope Francis said, celebrating Mass for the World Day of the Poor.
Pope Francis has shown that fighting abuse and protecting the vulnerable require both the sword of Saint Michael the Archangel and the silent and protective heart of St Joseph – two icons that prominently adorned St Peter’s Basilica during the 2018 Synod on young people.
Pope Francis announced he will create 13 new cardinals on 28 November.
Professing faith in God as the creator of all human beings, or even simply recognising that all people possess an inherent dignity, has concrete consequences for how people should treat one another and make decisions in politics, economics and social life, Pope Francis wrote.
A new encyclical titled Fratelli Tutti will be published next month by Pope Francis.
The Holy Father will travel to Assisi on 3 October to sign the encyclical, which will talk about the social, political and economic obligations that flow from a belief that all people are children of God and therefore brothers and sisters to one another.
On the Feast Day of Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Pope Francis named Archdiocese of Melbourne priest, Monsignor Greg Bennet as the 10th Bishop of Sale.
Pope Francis has last week advanced the sainthood causes of two women and 11 men, including a miracle attributed to Blessed Charles de Foucauld.
Pope Francis prayed for people living in countries where COVID-19 is still causing a huge number of deaths, and he cautioned people in Italy to continue to be careful and follow health precautions.
Here are the texts of two prayers, written by Pope Francis, for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. He is asking people to recite the rosary and pray these prayers afterward.
As the world slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a risk it will be struck by an even worse virus – that of selfish indifference, Pope Francis said.