Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last week joined with the St Pat’s Community centre in celebrating it’s 50th anniversary.
The Poverty In Australia 2022 report by the Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Sydney, shows that 16.6 per cent of Australian children (or 761,000 kids) lived in poverty in the 2019/2020 financial year.
This was just one of the facts surrounding Child Poverty presented by Centrecare Inc Director and Valuing Children Initiative Co-Founder, Adj. Prof. Tony Pietropiccolo AM who was recently a keynote speaker at the Anti-Poverty Week 2022 Symposium.
In a Pastoral Letter published in October last year, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB said the confessional experience is a personal encounter between that person and Christ.
However, the law that obliges the priests to violate the seal of confession if they receive information about the sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable people has this month come into effect, Tuesday 1 November.
“Identitywa has a Housing Strategy, and a strong commitment to providing high-quality housing that will see over 12 new homes built in a three-year period,” explained Identitywa Board Chair, Graeme Mander.
“Let’s roll up our sleeves and put our faith into practice to help our brothers and sisters through direct involvement. These were the words of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the 2022 LifeLink Christmas Appeal Liturgical Launch.
Armadale Parish Priest Father Mark Baumgarten will next month host a live music event titled, “An Afternoon of Songs (and a few stories)”.