With recent and prominent cyber-attacks, data breaches are becoming an increasing threat to all organisations and their people, and the impact of data breaches can be far reaching on an organisational and individual level.
Parish Renewal Co-ordinator Fr Nino Vinciguerra explained that the Parish Renewal team, with the support of Bishop Sproxton, has given much attention to the formation of Parish Pastoral Councils as leaders in the parish community.
Held in conjunction with the Applecross Parish Modern Slavery Project, the Project has two aims: to raise awareness of modern slavery among parishioners and the local community and to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in the supply chains of the current suppliers used by the parish.
Attended by student representatives from 25 schools, the Secondary Schools Forum for LifeLink Day was held at Aranmore Catholic College and livestreamed to Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.
The convening of the Diocesan Assembly, said Archbishop Costelloe, is a relatively modest initiative, but it is designed to set a pattern for ongoing consultation and discernment. The First Archdiocesan Assembly is set to be launched Sunday 4 June at St Mary’s Cathedral.
St Vincent De Paul Society Swan Region Conference President Vivian D’Almeida speaks about the recent commissioning’s and milestones held Sunday 19 March – the first celebration in two years.
Sunday 30 April marked Good Shepherd Sunday, where 13 men made enquiries at St Charles Seminary as part of the annual Vocations Open Day.
Speaking at the National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton retold how when he was in primary school at Bayswater and Bedford, schools depended on the parents, firstly, to build the school by self-help and then, continue to develop the amenities needed for a more complete education of their children.
The annual Clergy Recreation Day on Monday 1 May, was organised by CleRecWest and attended by more than 50 priests across the various sports. The day concluded with a shared evening meal at Keralee Tavern in Como which included an awards ceremony.
The Fremantle based homelessness support service has experienced unprecedented demand for its services, particularly basics such as meals, food vouchers and hampers.